Saturday, March 3, 2012

Shelter Cat Saturday, March 3, 2012

So how on earth can Ollie pass up a chance to promote another Ollie as today's Shelter Cat Saturday? Well, he can't. He told me most specifically that TODAY was Ollie's day...I, being well trained, smiled and nodded.

Ollie is another owner surrender (his family moved and he couldn't go with him) who is sweet and playful, though confused as to how he went from a home to a shelter. He's at the Irving shelter, and he is really looking for someone who will give him what he deserves...a real, true FOREVER home.

Ollie in Irving


  1. Another great Ollie! We are sorry your family let you go. Sweet tuxie boy, we are sure that someone will offer you a new loving FURREVER home.

    PS: Please turn off the awful word verification. It is very hard to read and get right.

    1. I'll try, Laura. I thought I already had, but it may have come back on

    2. OK. I think it's off. Let me know if it shows up again.

  2. Happy Sunday to you'all! Hope real life is OK.

  3. Replies
    1. LOL...I could have sworn I had that thing turned off.

      Real life came in the form of a foster dog pooping in her crate and jumping in it and then getting away from me and tearing through the den and kitchen with it all over her feet. It was a really shitty morning (no pun intended).

  4. Ouch! What a mess. Hope everything was washable, at least. . .

    1. It was. Aggie is deaf, and there's some other stuff going on that I think is related to it...if only in how she was raised. Most dogs don't do what she does, but it's like she goes out of her way to grind it into the pads of her feet for maximum spreading.

      Hopefully my mind will return soon...I didn't even realize yesterday was Tuesday and I hadn't done TAC until about 3:00. By then I just gave it up as a bad bet.


As of 11/3/12, I've had to limit comments on Ollie's blog to only members since it's being hit by a ton of comment spam. If a few weeks, I'll open it back up. Since Ollie is currently on vacation, I don't expect it to be a problem.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.