Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shelter Cat Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sometimes, there is just a big, black cat that is so impressive you can't get past him. Alexander is that sort of cat. Big, hairy and LOOK at those eyes. :)

Even Ollie stopped to admire him. Alexander is at the Irving shelter, and really, don't you think a manly cat like this would fit right in in your world? Take a drive to Irving. Get yourself a big hunk of gorgeous man cat. Alexander is waiting on YOU!

Alexander in Irving


  1. What a big handsome boy you are, Alexander! Surely someone will look into those fantastic eyes and fall in love.

    1. Laura,

      He is definitely a handsome boy. That shelter is so full, I really am hoping he makes it out. Ollie's Adopt Me Mojo seems to be on the fritz lately, but it'd be nice for it to come back and give Alexander a little push.


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