Saturday, May 19, 2012

New Angel

(We're not officially back until next Saturday, but we didn't want to miss saying goodbye to Sammy. Sammy was one of Ollie's first readers.)

Sammy's place


  1. We are so sorry that Sammy left for the Bridge. He was a gorgeous house panther. Run free, Sammy!

    Laura & Taffy

    1. Sammy was a pretty boy. I had wondered why there weren't as many photos of him lately. They started the Kool Seniors Kitty Klub that Ollie is a member of.

      We'll miss Sammy.


As of 11/3/12, I've had to limit comments on Ollie's blog to only members since it's being hit by a ton of comment spam. If a few weeks, I'll open it back up. Since Ollie is currently on vacation, I don't expect it to be a problem.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.