Monday, June 11, 2012

Gone Fishin'

Meowmy said I should come in here and let folks know that I'm going fishing for awhile, so the blog is mostly on vacation with me.

Since there are so SOOOOOOOOO many shelter cats, that Shelter Cat Saturday feature is stayin'. I told her I didn't care HOW much time she was spending on rescue THIS needed to, it's rescue, too!

So maybe I'll be blogging again in a few months. Time off may be just what I need.


Ollie is right. I've gotten very involved networking rescue animals and trying to get Animals First Foundation of Texas organized and purposed, and the blog is suffering because of it.

He's also right that Shelter Cat Saturday is rescue oriented and that should stay open. So SCS will be here, and it may be there will be another day added to that feature, too. The requirements will stay the or mostly black cats (including torties) will be featured.

And hopefully after this summer, I can spend time typing stuff up for Ollie. And maybe by then he'll have gotten over his dislike of the flashy thing. :)


1 comment:

  1. It's good work you are doing, Donna! We very much appreciate that.

    If his nibs is too P.O.ed to give good photo ops, then so be it. We will miss you both! Have a great Summer!

    Laura & Taffy

    PS: I have a lot of photos of the top of her head. MOL


As of 11/3/12, I've had to limit comments on Ollie's blog to only members since it's being hit by a ton of comment spam. If a few weeks, I'll open it back up. Since Ollie is currently on vacation, I don't expect it to be a problem.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.