Saturday, November 5, 2011

Shelter Cat Saturday Request


Ollie and I need your help. We'd like to solicit needy black (or mainly black) shelter cats for our Shelter Cat Saturday post. This is the excerpted original post announcing the blog feature:

What I'd like to do is concentrate on black or predominantly black (and we'll include the black torties and dark grey/smoke colors) cats. These cats need to be either in a shelter or rescue group or in a foster home. They can be any age, either sex and any coat length...the main thing is their color.

What I'll need sent to ollie@dh dot gridspace dot net is the following:

(Please put Shelter Cat Saturday in the subject line if you remember.)
A bit of a write up about the cat (if the cat is on Petfinder, a link to his page would be wonderful)
A bit about the shelter/rescue group (if you have adoption restrictions, please be sure and include them.)

If you've currently got more than one black cat, that's cool. I'll post all pictures from one source on the same Saturday.

Also, if one of the black cats gets adopted, shoot me a quick blurb and picture, and I'll be more than happy to post it on Ollie's blog.

And please, feel free to spread the word about what we're doing here. Getting the black cats into permanent, loving homes is the goal. The more people who pass through here, the more possible adoptions we can get. Everyone benefits.

Donna (and Ollie)

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As of 11/3/12, I've had to limit comments on Ollie's blog to only members since it's being hit by a ton of comment spam. If a few weeks, I'll open it back up. Since Ollie is currently on vacation, I don't expect it to be a problem.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.