Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Haley!

Foster meowmy said today is a VERY SPECIAL DAY.

Haley, foster meowmy's last dachshund, turns 15. She told me today that she was there when Haley was the middle of the night 15 years ago. She also said she was there the day Haley became a bit more than a gleam in her daddy's eye. Not sure what that meant, but she was laughing when she said it.

Anyway, I just want to wish Haley a VERY happy birthday. Foster meowmy said 15 is old for a standard dachshund, but Haley doesn't act at all like she's that old. She's always BoInGinG around the house and running around like crazy...I thought maybe she was six or seven the way she acted. But she's not. She's OLD!

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