Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog vacation still on

Just a reminder that Ollie's blog will still be on vacation this week.

I'm due back home on Saturday, and I may be able to do a quick post on Sunday.

Randall said Ollie is doing well, though he was a pest today. And when he held the phone up to him and had me talk to him, Randall said his purring kicked in and he started trying to mark the phone.


He's such a sweet boy.

1 comment:

As of 11/3/12, I've had to limit comments on Ollie's blog to only members since it's being hit by a ton of comment spam. If a few weeks, I'll open it back up. Since Ollie is currently on vacation, I don't expect it to be a problem.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.